Persian Cowhide

Persian Cowhide

What an exciting combination of 2 complete different styles of rugs in one unique piece! I absolutely adore this idea! These Persian cowhides are made in England and come from ‘a very exotic breed of beast that lives in the…

Button It

I am crazy about buttons and all products made using them so I was thrilled to come across Button It company one day !!! I have never seen so many amazing products on one website, and they are all made…
Zoe Murphy on Kirstie’s Vintage Home

Zoe Murphy on Kirstie’s Vintage Home

I love all TV programmes from Kirstie Allsopp! I watched all episodes of ‘Kirstie’s homemade home’ and ‘Kirstie’s homemade Britain’ in the past so I was delighted when I found out there is a new series called ‘Kirstie’s Vintage Home’…


During my recent ‘Euro trip’ driving through Europe with a final destination back in my home country the Czech Republic I visited Bruges a lovely town in Belgium, where I discovered BOB OLIVE store with amazing antiques, vintage and wrought…

Clerkenwell Design Week 2012

Clerkenwell Design Week is a festival held in London every year which celebrates the design industry. During a three day period you get the chance to visit exhibitions, installations and workshops within a square mile of London. There are three…